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Roll Cage Certification Process Video Guide


We have created this useful video guide on the processes involved with obtaining the FIA Certificate on your self-install Custom Cages Roll Cage.

The steps required for us to issue a Roll Cage certificate are there to ensure the Roll Cage has been installed to a high standard, ensuring the weld is of a suitable quality and the layout is correct as per the Certificate.

We will regularly provide feedback on the tacked in Roll Cage to ensure the layout is as per the certificated design. Not only is this essential to match the Certificated design but also due to FEA testing. The Roll Cage design will have been tested for strength and integrity from multiple angles in accordance with FIA regulations, any deviations from this layout could alter the integrity of the Roll Cage during impact.  Deviations from the layout could also result in refusal to run your car while undergoing scrutineering.

These processes have been put in place to provide drivers the confidence and knowledge that the Roll Cage will have been installed to the correct and high standard. If the Roll Cage has been installed by a fabricator 3rd party, it gives them the knowledge that is has been fitted correctly.

Custom Cages will also keep a record of this process, including Weld Test Samples, Videos, Images and any information relating to a specific Roll Cage. We will keep this in the archives for many years with some of our Roll Cage information dating back over 20 years.

If you have any questions about the process or Certificates please contact us through the enquiry page or email

·       Familiarise and check off your Roll Cage kit with the supplied Build Master

·       Prepare and complete your Weld Test sample and return to Custom Cages using the K….. reference number from your         Cage kit. Samples are valid for 12 months from date of approval.

·       Tack your Roll Cage into position (DO NOT FULLYWELD) and take a video to submit to Custom Cages

·       Custom Cages will check both your Weld Test Sample and Roll Cage tack in video and provide feedback and approval.

·       Once approved proceed to fully 360° weld the Roll Cage into position (MIG and TIG wire can be purchased through our         website)

·       Once fully welded send a second video for final approval and sign off including ID plaque and Chassis Number.

·       After final approval Custom Cages will then send a Certificate invoice for payment (from £60.00 + VAT) prior to dispatch.

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