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Case Study – Team Brit


Team BRIT is a competitive motor racing team consisting of disabled drivers.  

About Team Brit

They are a competitive racing team, not a charity, and they race against teams of able-bodied drivers on a totally level playing field — something that no other sport can offer.

Their goal is to make racing history and take a team to the world-famous Le Mans 24hr endurance race, becoming the first-ever British all-disabled team to do so. Many of their drivers have taken part in karting events through their linked charity, KartForce.  Team BRIT provides the opportunity for them to step up to competitive endurance racing.

Custom Cages gets involved:

After a conversation with Team Principal, Dave Player, Custom Cages agreed to design and fit a race roll cage to Team BRIT’s new BMW M240 race car.

With not much time to spare, the Custom Cages team started work on the roll cage design having not made a roll cage for this model before.

Within 4 days the car was ready to be collected and prepared by the Team BRIT mechanics for their next race.

With some innovative design ideas and thought about the requirements of the drivers, the Custom Cages team produced an MS UK National level roll cages with some safety additions, and in less than a week the car was available to Team BRIT for painting and race preparation.

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